woman getting exam for a dental crown

What Is a Dental Crown?

Has your dentist said, “you may need a dental crown“? This can sound like a difficult or invasive procedure, but dental crowns are common and require very little time in your provider’s office. Dental crowns can help protect your teeth and treat issues related to infection or decay. And because they look realistic, they can…

dentists using Dental Best Practices for woman's teeth whitening

Dental Best Practices

To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you need to be aware of, and use, the best dental best practices. These healthy habits can help you ward off tooth decay, infection, and gum disease, all of which can cause further health problems. Though you likely brush twice a day, floss occasionally, and visit the dentist…

woman holding her jaw in pain from Common Dental Problems

Common Dental Problems

Our teeth play a significant role throughout our day, from chewing our food to allowing for an aesthetically pleasing smile. For the most part, maintaining good oral hygiene like tooth brushing and flossing help prevent major dental problems. However, there are some common dental challenges that we may still encounter. Everyone struggles with dental issues…

a woman uses floss after learning how to floss

How to Floss

Flossing every day is one of the most important dental habits you can have. It removes food that becomes lodged between your teeth and aids in cleaning your mouth. This habit also reduces the amount of plaque and bacteria buildup. Both may accumulate on your teeth, contributing to gum disease and cavities. Many people do…